Types and effectiveness of protective coatings for the car body
Car body,  Car device

Types and effectiveness of protective coatings for the car body

During operation, the paintwork of the car body is exposed to various influences. Small scratches leave dust and dirt while driving, tree branches, aggressive washing and more. As long as the body is in good condition, it makes sense to think about protecting it from such damage. At the moment, the market offers a variety of protective coatings that differ in composition and effectiveness. Further in the article, we will understand their features, advantages and disadvantages.

Need to use

There is nothing wrong with applying any kind of protective coating to the body. Formulations should be selected based on need, operating conditions and expected effect.

There may be several reasons for coating:

  • the car is often used in poor road conditions;
  • it is necessary to disguise minor scratches and update the appearance of the car;
  • I want to stand out from the “crowd”;
  • I just wanted to take care of the car.

Sometimes manufacturers promise an incredible effect after applying a particular coating, but you should not rely on it completely. Silicone-based compounds only cover the body with a thin film and create a glossy effect. The surface becomes smooth, which prevents the accumulation of dust and dirt. The coating will not protect against the flown stone or direct mechanical impact. To really protect the body, you need to apply more serious compounds such as ceramics or liquid rubber. Of course, these services are not cheap and are sometimes comparable to the cost of a full body painting.

There are many types of coatings, ranging from polishes with various impurities, and ending with coatings based on polyurethane and nanoceramics. The choice should be based on the needs and capabilities.

Anti-gravel coating

Anti-gravel coating is a popular and inexpensive way to protect the car body. It is a film that is applied to the body by heating in special workshop conditions. In turn, anti-gravel coatings are divided into two types:

  1. polyurethane film;
  2. vinyl film.

Polyurethane film

The film is a completely transparent coating that protects the body well enough from minor scratches and damages. Of course, you should not exaggerate its capabilities, but it will cope with dust, dirt and branches. The film is dense and elastic; polish and other compounds can be applied on top of it. Anti-gravel polyurethane film with a thickness of 500-600 microns is able to protect the optics of a car and the body from stone blows. The thicker the better the protection.

Vinyl wrap

In terms of protection, vinyl is much higher than plain film. There are also two types of vinyl flooring:

  1. calendered;
  2. cast film.

Calendered vinyl is the most commonly used but inferior quality. Hence the lower price. You can choose almost any color you want. Service life up to a year, then you need to change or remove.

Cast film is more expensive, but the quality is much higher. Better protects paintwork, masks scratches and chips. Service life from 2 to 5 years. Both types of films are applied by heating with an industrial hair dryer. It should be noted that such work requires skills and experience.

The disadvantages include the fact that when dismantled, the film can tear off its native paint. This is how firmly it sticks to the surface. Also, good vinyl is quite expensive.

Liquid rubber

The next way to protect the paintwork is to apply liquid rubber. It is a special polymer based on bitumen emulsion, which has excellent hydrophobic and protective properties. The composition is easily applied to the surface by spraying. After hardening, an elastic and sufficiently strong layer is formed. The body will look more than original. Also, the rubber layer protects the paintwork well from scratches. The service life of liquid rubber is 1,5 - 2 years.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • quickly and easily applied to almost any surface;
  • pleasant to look at and touch;
  • cheaper than vinyl;
  • good protective qualities;
  • the cover is easy to remove if necessary;
  • many colors to choose from.

There are not so many disadvantages, but they are:

  • easy enough to damage or tear off;
  • cheap formulations can crack.

Liquid glass

Liquid glass is a silicate solution that is applied to the car body. After application, the solution dries and crystallizes, leaving a mirror effect. It looks beautiful, but it is ineffective as a real protective agent. The composition makes the surface smooth and shiny, which prevents dust from accumulating, which means that you can visit the sink less often. This is where the protective properties end. With careful care, liquid glass will last up to 1 year. The cost is quite acceptable.

It is applied very simply with a sponge. Just before work, you need to thoroughly wash and degrease the surface. Then let the composition dry for 1-3 hours.


The composition of ceramic coatings is based on silicon dioxide and titanium oxide. It is considered to be stronger and more durable in comparison with liquid glass. Well protects paintwork from corrosion, large abrasive particles, aggressive chemicals. After application, the surface becomes glossy and shiny. The car looks presentable.

Ceramic is applied in several stages, forming up to 10 layers. It is necessary to adhere to a certain temperature when working. Drying lasts up to 8 hours, after which you must not go to the sink for at least two weeks. The coating lasts up to two years, although manufacturers promise a very long service life. The cost varies from 13 to 000 rubles, depending on the area and quality of materials.

Polymer coating "Raptor"

Raptor is a polyurea or polyurea elastomer that has increased strength. After application, a durable insulating coating forms on the surface of the body. In fact, applying a "raptor" can be compared to painting a body.

This composition is most often used to protect car bodies that are operated in particularly aggressive conditions. Real armor is formed, which protects against mechanical damage, environmental influences, ultraviolet radiation.

Before applying the composition, as with standard painting, the body is thoroughly washed and degreased. Then the composition is applied with a pistol.

The Raptor is only sold in two colors:

  1. black;
  2. white.

To obtain other shades, a color scheme is required. After drying, a matte surface with a specific roughness is formed. The composition dries up in 8-10 hours, complete hardening occurs in 2-3 weeks.

Advantages of the Raptor coating:

  • perfectly protects the body from various influences;
  • increases noise insulation;
  • protects against corrosion;
  • looks "brutal";
  • acceptable price.


  • a matte surface with roughness remains;
  • gaining strength for a long time (3 weeks);
  • hard enough to remove.

Protective polishing

The most common and affordable coverage. There are a lot of different polishes. The composition is applied with a rotary machine, filling small cracks and forming a smooth and shiny surface. After polishing, the car looks great.

As protection against serious damage and scratches, polishing is, of course, not suitable. Wax-based polishes are hydrophobic, but no more. Less dirt accumulates on a smooth surface. The first wash will wash off the composition and must be applied again. Fortunately, the price is quite reasonable, so this service is often offered right at the car washes.

The advantage of polishing is a brilliant effect and an affordable price. Minus - no serious protection.


Teflon coating is also a type of polish, only a Teflon-based compound. Manufacturers claim that the composition lasts up to six months, withstands 10-12 contactless washes. After polishing, the surface is as shiny as a mirror. The composition has hydrophobic and antistatic properties, protects against minor scratches and marks, masks old ones. The downside is the rather high cost.


As you can see, there are many ways to protect the body of your car. A few more can be added to this list, but they do not differ much. The question arises, which method is the most effective? The correct answer will be based on needs. If you need really serious protection from stones and scratches, then you need to choose coatings such as Raptor, liquid rubber or thick anti-gravel film, but they give a specific appearance. If you need to update the body, make it bright and shiny, prepare the car for sale or mask minor scratches, then polishing or Teflon coating will do. Vinyl covering, polyurethane films and water glass provide a slightly more serious protection.

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