8 Volkswagen Golf 2020: GTI, R, GTE and GTD numbers – Sports Cars
Sports Cars

8 Volkswagen Golf 2020: GTI, R, GTE and GTD numbers – Sports Cars

8 Volkswagen Golf 2020: GTI, R, GTE and GTD numbers – Sports Cars

Volkswagen Golf 8 he no longer has secrets, or almost. The most famous CD in Europe has already shown itself in "regular" versions. But he still has hidden trump cards up his sleeve: even more so "hot ', sports. Of them up to promulgation, we already know the first information.

2020 Volkswagen Golf GTI

The first peppery version of the Wolfsburg C segment to hit the market will be the 2020 Volkswagen Golf GTI. Volkswagen will match the engine from 4-cylinder, 2.0-liter turbo, 245 hp authorities. That is, the same power as the current Golf GTI Performance. But the new Volkswagen Golf 8 GTI won't come alone ...

Volkswagen Golf GTI TCR 2020

In fact, in the second half of 2020 we will also see a further decline, called the GTI TCR, which will set the same two thousand turbo compressed, however, to the threshold 300 CV... At the same time, 10 hp. more than the previous generation version of the same name. All this is peppered with an even more radical bodywork.

Volkswagen Golf R 2020

Continuing the saga of Sports Volkswagen Golf, the most exciting chapter, as always, will be played by the legendary Golf R, which will return to take place in the eighth range of the German compact. However, everything seems to indicate that it will not reach the power that many expected. The German press actually hinted at a ceiling of 400 hp. for the most radical of the Golf, but in the end it seemed like it would have to settle for 333bhp. Not bad compared to the 300bhp, though. the current R.  It will retain all-wheel drive and can enjoy an even more radical customization. Most likely, it will be presented in the second half of 2020.

Volkswagen Golf GTE and GTD 2020

In addition to Sports golf petrol, Wolfsburg will also offer dynamic versions diesel and hybrids. The first will be a 2020 Volkswagen Golf GTD with 200 CV under the hood. Instead, the GTE will be an electrified version, ibrida plug-in that 1.4 TSI on the sides of the electric motor powered by a 13 kWh battery, total power 245 CV (+41 hp over current Golf GTE).

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