Temporary boards extended for ... indefinitely. Communication departments are already working • CARS
Electric cars

Temporary boards extended for ... indefinitely. Communication departments are already working • CARS

The Ministry of Infrastructure has issued a decree according to which temporary permits (so-called "soft confirmation") and license plates remain in force when their use expired during an epidemic or epidemic. This means that you can use them legally even if they have already expired.

Extended terms, changes in regulations

According to the latest rules, temporary numbers and permits remain valid within 14 days from the date of cancellation of the state of epidemic threat or epidemic. Since we don't know when one of these states will be called - we don't even know which one will be - we can assume that while they are extended indefinitely.

> Dear officials, it is really possible to issue duplicate plates with a green background. Here is the legal basis [act]

Therefore, if our numbers or temporary registration certificates have expired, we can continue to use them without fear of penalties (source). The registration period for a car imported from the territory of the European Union has also been increased to 180 days. and notify the elder about the purchase or purchase of a car.

moreover from today, April 22, the last communication departments should return to work.therefore - after unloading the queues - there should be no problems with registering a car. About a month ago, the Auto Dealers Association warned that the shutdown of offices could affect the economy:

> There are no auto-registrations, communication departments are not working. ZDS signals and warns

Introductory photo: issuing green license plates for an electric vehicle (c) Reader Bartek Tomechko

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