Motorcycle Device

Choosing the right heated gloves for riding your motorcycle in winter

Heated gloves, yes, but which ones to choose?

Gloves are an indispensable tool for protecting your hands on a motorcycle! In winter, although there are heated grips, many bikers choose to invest in Heated Gloves, the problem is that there are a lot of them, we will see different models to help you choose the gloves that suit you!

Heated gloves: how do they work? 

Heated gloves send heat to the back of the hand, they work with a network of electrical wires and resistors that are located at the top of the glove, they heat up when they receive an electrical signal, the intensity of heat can be adjusted more or less accurately depending on the range of gloves selected. 

There are three types of heated gloves, wired, they connect to the motorcycle and have excellent autonomy, if the power allows it, wireless, they run on a battery, they need to be recharged and have an autonomy of about two or three hours, depending on the model. The battery can wear out over time, and hybrids that do both can be plugged in on long trips, used wirelessly, and have a removable rechargeable battery. 

Choosing the right heated gloves for riding your motorcycle in winter

What are the criteria for choosing the right heated gloves? 

There are many criteria to consider when buying heated glovesIn fact, you should pay attention to the autonomy, type of power source, protection, materials of the glove, waterproofing and control system. 


Depending on the route chosen, gloves must protect our hands from the cold without draining the battery, so this will depend on the temperature and intensity we are going to use. For gloves with a wire, there is no problem in terms of autonomy, since they are connected to the motorcycle chain, the disadvantage is the wires, indeed, depending on the model of the motorcycle, we must put them in the sleeve of our jacket so that they are not cluttered. 

Wireless are more practical, autonomy can last up to 4 hours, depending on the mode of use. However, you need to be at least organized because they run on battery power, so you need to recharge them as soon as we get home or to work so as not to run out of battery when we get back on the road. Depending on the use, their service life can be up to three years.

Power Type:

As mentioned earlier, we can have three power types for our heated gloves : wired, wireless and hybrids. 

  • The wire

They have to be wired to the motorcycle, depending on the model of the motorcycle this can be cumbersome, but in terms of autonomy, we don't need to worry about that. If you are changing a motorcycle, you will need to buy a connection that matches the model of this one. 

They are rated at 12 volts, so you need to be sure the motorcycle chain will withstand the energy consumed by these gloves. 

To install them, you need to connect a cable with two lugs to the battery. This cable is equipped with a fuse holder in case of a short circuit. Then all that remains is to connect the Y-cable with the regulator to the heated gloves.

  • Беспроводной

They have a removable battery and are pretty practical for short distances, you should remember to charge them to avoid getting stuck. They have a power of 7 volts, this is a difference from the previously mentioned (12 volts). You put them on like any other gloves and hit the road, if it's cold, you just have to press a button to set the heat intensity you want. 

  • Hybrid glove

It combines both, an investment that can pay off as this pair of gloves allows for two types of trips (short and long) and glove control.


Gloves, whether heated or not, provide protection for our hands, so it is advisable to choose gloves with a protective sheath. 

Glove materials and seals: 

Most of the gloves are made of leather and waterproof material. 

Leather provides the flexibility, durability and comfort often associated with waterproof materials such as neoprene and microfibers. Sofsthell materials (consisting of three layers) are named the best because of their excellent waterproofness and excellent ergonomics.

Control system: 

What allows you to control the intensity of the radiated heat is the control button, it is simple and effective depending on the model of gloves, the operating mode varies, there are those where you have to regulate the heat you want yourself, and others where there is a thermoregulation system. 

Choosing the right heated gloves for riding your motorcycle in winter

Heated gloves price 

The price can range from € 80 to over € 300, depending on the model you choose.

Heated Glove Care

That take care of your heated gloves, it is best to clean them with a sponge, cloth or wax if they are made of leather. 

It is recommended to wear inner gloves to prevent them from sweating. 

When storing gloves at the end of winter, be sure to remove the battery and put it away. It is also advisable that it is not completely discharged. 

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