Why professional drivers carry a pack of women's pads with them in winter
Useful tips for motorists

Why professional drivers carry a pack of women's pads with them in winter

The onset of the cold season leads to specific problems for drivers. Methods for solving a number of them are already known from the practice of experienced drivers. Portal "AutoVzglyad" reveals some of them.

Not only taxi drivers and truckers are forced to be behind the wheel for a long time. Many motorists, for example, are forced to spend several hours a day commuting to and from work. In winter, sitting in a warm car is much more comfortable than, say, freezing at the bus stop of the most public transport in the world, waiting for the moment when a leisurely electric bus deigns to arrive ...

But driving in a comfortable car can also be uncomfortable. For example, by the fact that we wear warm shoes on our feet in winter. In a warm car interior, it quickly becomes hot. And the legs, sorry, begin to sweat inexorably. Everything would be fine, but someone with sweaty and “fragrant” feet then has to communicate with clients or superiors, and someone is forced, after getting out of the car, to stay in shoes that are wet from the inside in the cold for a long time and suffer from freezing fingers in boots - who knows what kind of work. And in principle, it is unpleasant to spend the whole day in wet shoes. So it’s easy to get to fungal infections ...

Why professional drivers carry a pack of women's pads with them in winter

Most car owners have no idea how to avoid or cope with such a situation and put up with wet troubles "in the lower regions." Only a few go so far as to use spare clean socks. But this, as a rule, is the lot of only the most perfectionists, or helpless victims of corporate discipline. In fact, the solution to the problem has long been known.

It is used, in particular, by truck drivers delivering goods to retail outlets in the city. They spend all day behind the wheel and often get out of the car in the cold to deliver the goods to the store. That is, unlike the same truckers, they cannot afford, while driving, to “climb” from warm winter shoes into slippers.

So, in order for the feet to be dry, even if the “stove” is frying in the cabin, it is enough instead of insoles (or together with insoles) to insert into each shoe a feminine sanitary pad - with the absorbent side to the sole of the foot. Dry feet throughout the day guaranteed! It is for such cases that experienced drivers keep a pack of women's pads in the glove compartment of a car.

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