Women: How To Maintain A Beautiful Hair In A Motorcycle Helmet?
Motorcycle Operation

Women: How To Maintain A Beautiful Hair In A Motorcycle Helmet?

There is hair in the wind, this can take several minutes. But throughout the journey discomfort felt.

Hair moves in all directions, this ruffle and ultimately forks...

If your hair is left in the helmet, chances are good that your haircut will metamorphosed when removing the helmet ... Not ideal for go to work For example !

So are women doomed to utter failure after a good motorcycle ride?

I will give it to you on the spot: the answer is no. Even what women can maintain a feminine and fashionable shape, after use helmet and after driving for hours!

This is what we will see today, but we will also see everything bad decisions that we hear everywhere and it is better to avoid it!

And as a bonus, we will give you revolutionary product for all women who want to keep impeccable fit after carrying helmets moto (this solution will amaze you!).

False good decisions

French hairstyle technique

Like all bikers, you've probably tried tucking your hair under your jacket to keep it still and warm.

Although this technique is ingenious, it does not give perfectly fits and riskdamage your hair... Because your hair is rubbing against your jacket as soon as you turn your head, this is not a solution in the long run.

In addition, the lump on the back of the neck is not very aesthetic not so convenient just this…

In short, this trick can save you exclusively, but we do not recommend doing it every day!

The bun is really not practical

Another solution that is not quite right is to do very low bunso much so that he manages to get out of the helmet.

To tell you that this is not aesthetically pleasing, but above all, it is not obvious: you must have hair long enough to exceed the helmet.

A radical solution that we prefer to avoid ...

Finally, the last solution, let's face it, is very radical, consists of you cutting hair, simply !

But to be honest, very few women are willing to sacrifice their haircut for a motorcycle.

It's a bit like choosing between hair and a motorcycle: an unthinkable choice!

So what's the ideal solution?

All of these solutions work more or less on paper, but are unrealistic for women who hit the road. motorcycle daily, or who you like motorcycle tripremaining yourself.

Luckily we found final decision so your hair remains beautiful et well-groomed despite wearing a helmet.

This solution is called High Tail Hair and here is his presentation.

Hightail Hair Protector

Forget knotsthen forks and all inconvenience which a motorcycle helmet applies to your hair, with HighTail Hair protection.

This device is mounted on the back of the helmet and is shaped like a “hair pocket”. invisible, protects your hair of bad weather и pollution.

Quick and easy to install hair protection

First, attach the mounting clips to the back of the helmet:

These adhesive clips install only once. Then you just have to fix the pocket on the device. Finally, tuck your hair into an invisible pocket and you're done!

Look at the result and judge for yourself, isn't it? brilliant invention ?

Find out how to style your HighTail hair from the explanatory video:

To thank ...

As a reader of the Les Bikeuses blog, we suggest you exclusive discount -20% on HighTail Hair.

Put HighTail Hair Protector in the shopping cart copy and paste the code LESBIKEUSESHIGHTAIL-B in a specially designated place upon departure and revolutionize motorcycle riding !

We really hope this article will make your life easier. Let us know your thoughts on this in the comments and ask us your questions! We will be happy to answer them 🙂

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