What negative consequences can the passage of current from one car to another have?

What negative consequences can the passage of current from one car to another have?

Avoid transferring power from one machine to another, the consequences can be severe and very expensive. Use a jumper to jump start to ensure battery safety and protection from other problems.

The technique of transferring a battery from one car to another is one of the most well-known methods of transferring current to another vehicle and thus starting it. However, this way of starting the car also has risks, especially if it is done many times a week. 

Switching power from one machine to another is a quick and easy fix, but it can have negative consequences for your machine.

Modern car batteries are much more sensitive than older ones and there are risks associated with starting. Any mistake can damage the car's on-board electronics or a healthy battery. Let's discuss the possible risks and how to avoid them.

What are the negative consequences of transferring power from one car to another?

1.- ECU destroyed

Modern vehicles rely on engine control units (ECUs) to control the operation of the engine and other components. A car may have not one, but several ECUs. 

These control boxes are so complex that sometimes it's cheaper to throw the car away than to fix it. Improper start-up can damage these electrical systems beyond repair.

2.- Damaged battery

A common hazard when transferring power from one vehicle to another is battery damage, this can occur due to improper connection of the connecting cable. One should go to the dead car and the other end to the car providing the boost. 

Vehicle components can be electrocuted if one end of the wire touches something else.

3.- Battery explosion

Connect the connection cables in the correct order. Otherwise sparks may occur on the connecting cables. Any flash can cause the battery to explode, which can be very dangerous.

4.- Electrical problems

Pouring a little juice into a discharged battery, before starting the car, you must disconnect the wiring. Running it will put a lot of stress on a healthy battery when the vehicles are connected to each other. As a result, some electrical problems may occur.


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