Which forklift is better - electric, diesel or gas-petrol?
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Which forklift is better - electric, diesel or gas-petrol?

It is interesting that all forklifts are used in warehouse enterprises, where they have different tasks and operating conditions.

The most important thing in working with a forklift is the safety and comfortable working conditions for the operator, therefore, almost every equipment is equipped with a warning lamp, so that those who are in the warehouse at the time of loading know that a vehicle is approaching and do not damage themselves when they collide with it.

The cabins are equipped with a steel frame to maximally protect the operator from external factors, weather conditions and various injuries. The cabin also protects the electronics inside it.

Electric forklift

Its first and main advantage is the complete absence of exhaust gases, which is required when working with children's toys, pharmaceuticals and in refrigerator and freezers. Electric models are equipped with traction battery for forklifts and in appearance they are much more compact than similar equipment on gas-gasoline or diesel. Their maneuverability due to their small dimensions wins over other equipment. There is one drawback: electric forklifts are designed for indoor use.

It is important for a forklift to always be ready for work. The electric forklift is only ready if its battery is fully charged. Combustion forklifts are ready to work almost without stopping, if you do not take into account the short refueling time. As a result, each forklift has its own pros and cons, and this once again explains why the management of a company can have models with different types of fuel.

Diesel or gas-petrol forklift can work under any conditions. Street, room, cold, heat - it doesn't matter! These models are universal, but if the question concerns working with pharmaceutical products, children's toys or refrigerator-freezers, then no, here they lose because, unlike electric ones, they emit exhaust gases due to the combustion of fuel in the engine.

Of course, it's up to you to choose, so the review briefly provides the advantages and disadvantages of these models to make it easier to decide.

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