We seduced Sea Doo for 2010
Test Drive MOTO

We seduced Sea Doo for 2010

In recent years we have been able to make sure that BRP can produce excellent jet skis and speedboats and this time we were able to test the latest version of the offering, the RXT 260 iS, which is the first model to boast iCONTROL technology. It may sound strange when we talk about jet ski technology, but those of you following developments in this area have probably heard the rumor that Sea Doo has been preparing a "big boy toy" for a long time.

The RXT 260 iS is one of the most powerful mass-produced water scooters, but at the same time it is very richly equipped and full of technical delights. Thanks to the adjustable handlebars and tilt angle, almost everyone can find the right position on this jet ski. The well-known Control Information screen has also received welcome improvements, including a stopwatch function. Then you can measure the time you will rage around your favorite fight.

Thanks to the fly-by-wire system, that is, the electronic control of the injection flap, it also proves to be more economical and user-friendly. This system also includes various reaction modes of the device, you can choose, for example, "wake up mode" for towing the skier, there is also a comfortable tourist mode of operation and of course there is also a brutal "sport mode". ...

Another major innovation in the world of watercraft is the brake, which provides about half the stopping distance of previous generations of scooters. With the help of special flaps, the body stops faster. However, the RXT 260 iS is also fully spring-loaded, which is especially felt by the rider at higher speeds, when he has little to no feeling of jumping on the waves.

In addition to the RXT 260 iS, we were able to ride the well-known models RXP X 255 RS (two-seater), GTI 130 Rental, RXT X 255 RS (three-seater) and a 255 horsepower adrenaline sports jet boat. ... The latter undoubtedly justifies the adrenaline adrenaline, since thanks to its hull and engine power it allows you to make really sharp turns and deep slopes all the way to the edge of the boat.

You can read more about the offer on the seller's website.


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