Do-it-yourself car wash foam generator
Tips for motorists

Do-it-yourself car wash foam generator

The contactless method of car washing has a number of advantages, but the main advantage is the absence of the possibility of damaging the paintwork. The effectiveness of the contactless washing method is achieved thanks to the car shampoo applied to the body in the form of foam. To turn the gel into foam, special devices are used: foam generators, sprayers and dosatrons. To wash a car with shampoo, it is not necessary to sign up for a car wash, as this can be done at home. To convert shampoo into foam, you need to design a foam generator with your own hands.


  • 1 Design features of the foam generator device
  • 2 Features of the manufacture of a foam generator for washing
    • 2.1 Preparation of drawings in the manufacture of the device
    • 2.2 From the sprayer "Beetle"
    • 2.3 From a fire extinguisher: step by step instructions
    • 2.4 From a plastic canister
    • 2.5 From a gas bottle
  • 3 Device upgrade
    • 3.1 Replacing the nozzle
    • 3.2 Mesh Nozzle Upgrades

Design features of the foam generator device

Before you figure out how a foam generator is made, you should understand its design and principle of operation. A foam generator is a metal tank or tank, the capacity of which is from 20 to 100 liters. In the upper part of such a tank there is a filler neck, as well as a drain valve with two fittings. One of the fittings (inlet) is connected to the compressor, and a nozzle is connected to the second (outlet) to create foam and apply (spray) it to the car body.

The tank, depending on its volume, is filled with a special cleaning solution, the amount of which is 2/3 of the tank capacity. The solution is a mixture of 10 ml of car shampoo with 1 liter of water.

It is interesting! Additional protection of the car body with shampoo is achieved due to the content of wax in it.

After filling the tank with detergent, the compressor turns on and compressed air is supplied to the tank. To create foam, the air pressure must be at least 6 atmospheres. Shampoo foam is formed in the tank under the influence of compressed air, which enters the outlet fitting through the filter and sprayer (foaming agent). The sprayer is located in the nozzle, through which foam is supplied to the car body. The pressure in the tank is controlled by a manometer, and its level of filling is controlled by a special water measuring tube.

The main purpose of the device is the formation of foam from the working solution

Thanks to this device, a person does not need to come into contact with the chemical, and applying shampoo in the form of foam contributes to a better washing of dirt from the car body. In addition, the speed of car washing increases, which takes no more than 15-20 minutes. A number of additional advantages of using a steam generator also include:

  1. The complete absence of physical contact with the surface of the body. This eliminates the occurrence of damage, stains and clouding of the paintwork product.
  2. The ability to remove dirt in hard-to-reach places.
  3. Additional protection of the paintwork due to the formation of a thin protective anti-corrosion film.

However, of all the advantages, it is important to highlight the disadvantage, which is that a factory-made steam generator is quite expensive (from 10 thousand rubles, depending on the capacity). Based on this, many home craftsmen resort to the manufacture of low-pressure steam generators. This approach allows you to significantly save finances, as well as get a high-quality steam generator for home use.

Features of the manufacture of a foam generator for washing

The cost of the cheapest foam generator for washing will cost more than 10 thousand rubles, and with an independent approach to the manufacture of the device, no more than 2 thousand rubles will be needed. This amount can be even less if the arsenal contains the items necessary for the construction of the device. For such purposes, you will need the main elements presented in the form:

  • Capacities;
  • reinforced hose;
  • pressure gauge;
  • metal clamps;
  • Shut-off valve;
  • Metal tube.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the foam generator, it is necessary to select the appropriate tank. The main requirement for the tank is the ability to withstand pressure up to 5-6 atmospheres. The second requirement is the volume of the product, which must be within 10 liters. This is the optimal volume to apply foam to the car body at one time without re-adding the cleaning solution. All other products can also be found in the garage or purchased in their absence.

The scheme of the foam generator for washing has the form shown in the photo below.

The reservoir of the device must withstand pressure up to 6 atmospheres inclusive

Preparation of drawings in the manufacture of the device

Before proceeding with the manufacture of a homemade foam generator, it is necessary to prepare drawings with outlines. This will not only allow you to understand what you need to get homemade, but also help you avoid missing out on the following tasks:

  • Determining the sequence of the operation for assembling the product.
  • Formation of a complete list of necessary materials and parts.
  • Preparation of tools that will be needed for the manufacture of products.

A drawing of a home-made foam generator circuit is shown in the photo below.

For clarity, it is best to make a sketch on a piece of paper.

Based on such a scheme, you can compile a list of necessary materials, as well as tools for the manufacture of the product. In each case, depending on what the foam generator will be made of, the necessary consumables will differ. Some of the required tools include:

  • Spanners;
  • Roulette;
  • Pliers;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Screwdriwer set;
  • Knife.

After the sketches are completed, you can begin to manufacture.

From the sprayer "Beetle"

Surely at the disposal of many there is an old garden sprayer of the Zhuk brand or its analogues. It can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also for the manufacture of a foam generator for washing a car. Consider what the manufacturing process itself is. To get started, you will need to use the following types of materials:

  1. Capacity. A tank from a Zhuk garden sprayer or other brands, such as Quasar or Spark, is used as a reservoir.
  2. Manometer designed to measure pressure up to 10 atmospheres.
  3. A valve that will regulate the flow of foam.
  4. A metal tube with a nozzle for carrying out the spraying process.
  5. A hose that can withstand pressure up to 8 atmospheres.
  6. Hose adapter.
  7. Clamps.
  8. Automobile nipple with a shut-off valve that conducts compressed air in one direction only.
  9. Two ½ inch squeegees or nozzles and 4 seal nuts.

The spray tank is the ideal option for making a foam tank

The foam generator is based on a metal mesh or tightly whipped fishing line, with the help of which the cleaning solution will be sprayed. You can purchase a ready-made foam tablet in a specialized store.

A foam tablet that is responsible for the consistency of the solution can be purchased at a store or made by yourself.

It is important! The capacity of the foam generator must withstand pressure up to 6 atmospheres. The plastic tank should not show signs of deformation and damage.

When working with the device, protective clothing is worn, as well as protective equipment. When all the materials are ready, you can begin to design the device.

  • From the sprayer, you need to remove the hand pump, and then plug the existing holes.
  • 2 half-inch spurs are installed at the top of the tank. To fix the sgons, nuts are used, which are screwed on from both sides. The tightness of the connection is carried out by using gaskets.

To ensure tightness, it is possible to use sanitary gaskets

  • A T-shaped adapter is installed in the air supply nozzle. A pressure gauge is attached to it, as well as a shut-off valve.
  • Inside the tank, a steel pipe is attached to the squeegee by screwing onto a threaded connection. From this pipe, air will be supplied to the bottom of the tank, thereby foaming the liquid.
  • From the second nozzle, foam will be supplied. A tap is installed on the nozzle, as well as a foam tablet. The hose is connected to the nozzle on one side, and to the metal tube on the other. A nozzle or atomizer is attached to the metal tube, after which the device is ready for use.

The resulting design is very similar to the factory

To be able to regulate the pressure in the tank, it is necessary to install a special air injection control valve. This valve will relieve excess pressure in the tank.

You can simplify the manufacture of the foam generator by using a hose with a sprayer, which is completed with a sprayer. To do this, the sprayer needs to be slightly modified:

  • Make a small hole in the shampoo intake hose. This hole is made under the very top, and its purpose is to mix air with shampoo.

The hole made in the tube is necessary for additional air supply

  • The second type of modernization involves the manufacture of a foam tablet from a metal dishwashing brush. This brush is located inside the adapter tube. Instead of a brush, you can install a foam tablet or a ball of fishing line.

Using a dishwashing brush as a foam tablet can help you save money

  • To supply compressed air to the tank, you need to drill a hole in the sprayer body and install a nipple into it. Connect the hose from the compressor to the nipple, after which one part of the compressed air supply is ready.

After that, we get a simplified version of the foam generator with our own hands, which will serve for a long time and efficiently.

From a fire extinguisher: step by step instructions

Consider what is the process of manufacturing a foam generator from a fire extinguisher. To do this, you need to use an old five-liter fire extinguisher with a gas generator. This volume is enough to wash the car from one refueling of detergent.

The body of the fire extinguisher is a priori designed for high pressure, therefore it will be an excellent option for the manufacture of a foam generator

A fire extinguisher with a gas generator is an almost ready-made foam generator that requires minor modifications. In addition to the cylinder, the following materials will be needed to build a foam generator from a fire extinguisher:

  • Valve for tubeless wheels.
  • Brushes for washing dishes.
  • Grid with a small cell.
  • The hose that will be used to connect the canister to the foam gun.
  • Clamps for secure fixation of the hose.
  • Sealant that can be used to seal threaded connections.

Of the necessary tools, only a drill and a hacksaw for metal are needed. After that, you can get to work:

  • Initially, the locking and starting device of the fire extinguisher is unscrewed. At the bottom of the cover is a tube with a gas generator. The gas generator is a small canister for compressed air.
  • The locking mechanism is disassembled. The tube and cylinder are unscrewed together with the couplings.

The locking mechanism is disassembled, and the tube and cylinder are unscrewed

  • The gas generator is to be sawn into two parts, for which a metal sheet is used. The upper part of the gas generator must be at least 4 cm long. This will be our foaming tablet in the future.

The upper part of the gas generating device must be at least 4 cm long

  • The lower part of the gas generator is retracted to the side. We proceed to the manufacture of the tablet, for which a round mesh is cut along the diameter of the gas generator. It is located inside this balloon.

As in the previous case, we will use dishwashing brushes to create a foaming tablet.

  • The cylinder also contains metal brushes, which are designed for washing dishes.
  • To prevent the washcloths from falling out, another fixing mesh is installed. The diameter of the mesh must be larger than the size of the balloon for tight fixation.
  • A hole is drilled in the sleeve where the cylinder neck is screwed in, which is necessary to improve the foam's permeability. Drilling is carried out until the diameter is at least 7 mm.
  • After that, a homemade foam tablet is screwed into the hole. To seal the hole, the threads must be coated with sealant.
  • At the next step, a hole is drilled in the fire extinguisher body, where the tube coupling will be screwed. A fitting will be installed in this hole, so it must be of the appropriate size. The optimal size is 10 mm.
  • The valve is installed, and the tube coupling is immediately screwed in. This valve will be used to pump compressed air into the fire extinguisher tank.
  • A tube is put on the coupling, after which the air supply line to the cylinder is considered ready.
  • A foam tablet is screwed into the second hole of the cover, after which you can start preparing the gun.
  • The old hose is disconnected from the fitting, after which it is screwed into the locking and triggering mechanism from the gun.
  • The parts are connected to a new hose, and connected to a shut-off device.
  • Hose connections must be secured with clamps.

The device from the fire extinguisher is reliable and has a much longer service life.

The device is ready for use, and to facilitate its transportation, handles or holders can be welded to the cylinder. The device is ready, so you can start testing it. Pour 2 liters of water into the container, then add shampoo. The ratio of shampoo to water can be specified on the packaging with the chemical. The pressure in the cylinder should not exceed 6 atmospheres. If the pressure is lower, then in the process of washing the car, pumping will be needed.

It is interesting! Even if there is no compressor at your disposal, you can pump air with an ordinary hand or foot pump.

From a plastic canister

If there is an old plastic canister in the garage, then a foam generator can also be made from it. The advantage of using a canister is the ease of manufacture of the device, as well as minimal costs. Of the tools and materials you will need:

  • Compressor;
  • Plastic canister;
  • Bulgarian;
  • flush tubes;
  • Pistol;
  • A set of keys.

The principle of manufacturing a foam generator from a plastic canister is to perform the following manipulations:

  1. An inch tube 70 cm long is filled with fishing line or a metal brush.
  2. At the edges, the tube is fixed with special plugs using threaded connections.
  3. On one of the plugs is a T-shaped adapter.
  4. A fitting is installed on the second plug.
  5. Hoses and taps are attached to the T-shaped adapter on both sides, through which the water supply will be shut off.
  6. On the one hand, the compressor will be connected, and on the other, foamy liquid will be supplied from the reservoir.
  7. It remains to put on a gun and use a homemade device.

Penogen from a canister does not require a huge investment of time and money and is known for its ease of execution.

Schematically, the design of the foam generator will have the form shown in the photo below.

General scheme of a homemade device from a canister

From a gas bottle

A metal barrel of a cylinder is an excellent option for making a tank. Its advantage lies in the thickness of the cylinder walls, which are able to withstand high pressure. As in previous cases, you first need to prepare the drawings. After that, collect all the necessary materials and tools, and only then begin work.

Foam check valve drawing

A check valve with a pressure gauge will be used to supply air. The drawing of a homemade foam tablet looks like this.

We will use fluoroplastic as a material.

You will also need to make a nozzle for spraying foam. This nozzle will be put on the hose through which the foam is supplied. The scheme for manufacturing a nozzle for a sprayer is as follows.

Scheme of the nozzle of the sprayer on the gas cylinder

From the materials you will need the details that are shown in the photo below.

Necessary consumables for the manufacture of the device

The manufacture of a foam generator for washing is carried out from a cylinder with a capacity of 5 liters. You can use a larger tank, but only this is not necessary.

Once everything is ready to work, you can proceed:

  • Initially, the handle is dismantled from the cylinder and 2 holes are drilled.
  • After that, using a welding machine, a fitting with a 1/2 ″ thread is welded into which the valve will be screwed.
  • A tube is welded to supply air to the cylinder. She must hit the bottom. After welding, a non-return valve will be screwed onto the tube. In the tube, you need to make several holes in a circle with a diameter of 3 mm.

To supply air to the cylinder, we weld a tube

  • After that, the handle to the cylinder is welded into place.
  • We proceed to the assembly of the check valve. To do this, you need to make a membrane from a thin elastic band. We also drill 4 holes with a diameter of 1,5 mm. The appearance of the membrane is shown in the photo below.

4 small holes are drilled around the center in the membrane

  • The resulting check valve must be screwed onto the tube, and a manometer with a quick-release “dad” should be installed.

The check valve is screwed onto the tube

  • Now you need to make a device for removing foam. To do this, a tap is fixed on the fitting.

Use a faucet to get the foam out.

  • A tablet is fixed to the tap, which can be made of stainless steel.

The tablet is recommended to be made of stainless steel

  • A hose with a diameter of 14 mm is put on the brush. Let's start making the nozzle. To do this, you need fluoroplastic, as shown below.

Nozzle material - fluoroplastic

  • The filler neck is made from a regular cylinder check valve. To do this, the valve is drilled and a M22x2 thread is cut into it. The stopper is made of PTFE.

After that, you can pour 4 liters of water into the balloon, as well as 70 g of shampoo. On this, the process of manufacturing a foam generator from a cylinder is considered complete, and you can start testing it.

Device upgrade

Refinement includes improving the functioning of the nozzle. The disadvantage of regular nozzles is that water is supplied under low pressure, so full mixing is not observed. Consider two ways to refine factory foam generators.

Replacing the nozzle

To upgrade, you will need to use a screw nut. You can find it in the system unit of the computer. This is the product that fixes the motherboard. The advantage of a screw nut is that it is made of soft materials, so it is not difficult to drill a hole in it. To do this, take a drill with a diameter of 1 mm. A hole is made in the middle of the nut. A cut is made from the end part so that it can be screwed with a screwdriver. The resulting device should be screwed inside the nozzle.

Now you need to take a slightly larger nut of a similar type. A hole with a diameter of 2 mm is drilled in it. From the side that will be turned towards the nozzle, the nozzle is installed. To do this, a core is taken from a gel pen, from which a part with a length of at least 30 mm is cut off. A hole with a diameter of 4,6 mm is made on the nozzle in the upper part. Everything is sealed with a sealant. You can start testing.

Mesh Nozzle Upgrades

The mesh in the nozzle plays the role of a water divider and a foam former. The disadvantage of nets is their rapid wear. To finalize the product, you will need to use a jet from the carburetor of any car. You will also need a mesh made of stainless material.

The jet must be placed instead of the standard nozzle, paying attention to the dimensions. If necessary, drill a hole to accommodate the jet. According to the standard grid template, you need to make a new one. The new mesh should have a mesh diameter of no more than 2 mm. After that, the product can be installed in place of the regular one and tested in action.

Summing up, it should be noted that it is not difficult to build a foam generator for washing a car. All parts and tools are available in every garage, so if such a need arises, you need to take it and do it. The material contains indicative samples, so in each individual case you can use your own ideas.

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