Do-it-yourself replacement of filters in a car air conditioner
Tips for motorists

Do-it-yourself replacement of filters in a car air conditioner

In the summer, modern motorists try to tightly close the windows and doors in the car - the air conditioner is working. It is this device that provides maximum comfort while driving and saves from stuffiness in the cabin.

Cleaning the foam air conditioner filter

Modern car air conditioners are no longer considered an unprecedented luxury item. On the contrary, his presence in the car is mandatory. Today, air conditioners are installed in almost all vehicles: in buses, minibuses, in the cabs of trucks and, of course, in cars.

Do-it-yourself replacement of filters in a car air conditioner

Today, every motorist has the opportunity to choose an air conditioner for a car to his taste - there are these devices with an electric or mechanical drive. The only thing that unites all car air conditioners, regardless of their brand, price and type, is that its filters get completely dirty from time to time and need to be cleaned. Driving with dirty filters is dangerous - they can harm the health of the driver and passengers present in the car.

Do-it-yourself replacement of filters in a car air conditioner


Huge amounts of dust and harmful bacteria often accumulate on filters and wet radiator grilles. If you do not take care of cleaning them in time, moldy fungi can form here over time, which can actually cause pneumonia of a viral nature in humans.

Do-it-yourself replacement of filters in a car air conditioner

At the moment, ordinary filters for car air conditioners, developed on the basis of ordinary foam rubber, are the most popular among motorists. Such filters are unique in that they do a good job of cleaning the interior of the car from particles suspended in the air. Rinse and clean them on your own is quite simple. After that, the filters are simply placed back under the decorative grille of the air conditioner. Use only clean water to wash the filter without adding household chemicals.

Cleaning other car air conditioner filters

But HEPA filters are more complex in their structure, but are also often used for air conditioners installed in the car. Filters of this kind are produced on the basis of porous glass fiber. Such filters make it possible to purify the air in the cabin not only from mechanical particles, but also allow you to fight certain types of pathogenic bacteria. Do not wash HEPA filters. In order to clean them, you need to use a vacuum cleaner. To do this, the filters are first removed from the air conditioner.

Do-it-yourself replacement of filters in a car air conditioner

If you do not tolerate the smell of burning or exhaust gases too well, in this case, it is worth installing charcoal filters in air conditioners in the car interior. Practice shows that motorists who use a vehicle within the city do not often drive past fires, conflagrations, etc., they can simply change charcoal filters to new ones once a year.

Do-it-yourself replacement of filters in a car air conditioner

The owner of the car should also remember such a detail as the evaporator! If this element of the air conditioner is not cleaned with enviable constancy, it will easily turn into a real “hotbed” of pathogenic microbes in the car interior. In order to avoid health problems for the driver himself and those around him, the evaporator must be removed from time to time and washed in clean water with a light soapy solution.

Do-it-yourself replacement of filters in a car air conditioner

If the evaporator is heavily contaminated, it is worth paying the attention of service station workers to it. Here you will have the opportunity to additionally process the air conditioner with ultrasound, which easily copes with the destruction of bacteria. Of course, this option may seem expensive, but you should always remember that you spend a lot of time in a closed car interior. A reckless attitude to the cleanliness of the filters and evaporator of a car air conditioner can turn into serious expenses for medicines for you.

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