U0172 Lost Communication With Sensor C Restraint System
U0172 Lost Communication With Sensor C Restraint System
OBD-II DTC Datasheet
Lost Communication With Restraint Sensor C
What does this mean?
This is a generic communications system diagnostic trouble code that applies to most makes and models of OBD-II vehicles.
This code means the Restraint System Sensor C (RSS-C) and other control modules on the vehicle are not communicating with each other. The circuitry most commonly used for communication is known as Controller Area Bus communication, or simply the CAN bus.
Without this CAN bus, control modules cannot communicate and your scan tool may not receive information from the vehicle, depending on which circuit is involved.
The restraint sensor c is usually located behind the dashboard, usually in the center of the vehicle. It receives input data from various sensors, some of which are directly connected to it, most of which are transmitted via a bus communication system. The most important of these sensor inputs are the collision or collision sensors. This input allows the module to determine when a collision has occurred or when the vehicle is simply slowing down quickly. The difference between the two is that the RCM can take no action, can activate the seat belt pretensioners, or activate the pretensioners and passive restraints / airbags.
Troubleshooting steps may vary depending on the manufacturer, the type of communication system, the number of wires, and the colors of the wires in the communication system.
Code severity and symptoms
The seriousness in this case is always serious because of the safety issues that arise from a non-functional restraint control system. Safety is ANYONE'S concern when servicing these systems because they can continue to operate even if the warning lights are on. ALWAYS treat these systems as if they can operate at all times.
Symptoms of a U0172 code may include:
- Airbag light is on or flashing
Usually the reason for installing this code is:
- Open in CAN + bus circuit
- CAN bus break - electrical circuit
- Short circuit to power in any CAN bus circuit
- Short to ground in any CAN bus circuit
- No power or ground to RSS-C module
- Rarely - the control module is faulty
Diagnostic and repair procedures
A good starting point is always to check the Technical Service Bulletins (TSB) for your particular vehicle. Your problem may be a known issue with a known manufacturer-released fix and could save you time and money while troubleshooting.
First, look for other DTCs. If any of these are bus communication or battery / ignition related, diagnose them first. Misdiagnosis is known to occur if you diagnose the U0172 code before any of the major codes are thoroughly diagnosed and rejected.
If your scan tool can access trouble codes and the only code you get from other modules is U0172, try accessing the Restraint System Sensor C (RSS-C). If you can access codes from the RSS-C, then the U0172 code is either intermittent or a memory code. If you cannot access the RSS-C, then the U0172 code set by other modules is active and the problem already exists.
The most common fault is a circuit fault that results in loss of power or ground to the restraint system sensor c.
Check all fuses supplying the RSS-C module on this vehicle. Check out all the reasons for RSS-C. Locate grounding attachment points on the vehicle and make sure these connections are clean and secure. If necessary, remove them, take a small wire bristle brush and baking soda / water solution and clean each one, both the connector and the place where it connects.
If any repairs have been made, clear the DTCs from memory and see if U0172 returns or you can contact the RSS-C module. If no code is returned or communication is restored, the problem is most likely a fuse / connection issue.
If the code returns, look for the CAN bus connections on your vehicle, especially the RSS-C connector, which is usually located behind the dashboard. Disconnect the negative battery cable before disconnecting the connector on the RSS-C module. Once detected, visually inspect the connectors and wiring. Look for scratches, scuffs, exposed wires, burn marks, or molten plastic.
Disconnect the connectors and carefully inspect the terminals (metal parts) inside the connectors. See if they look burnt or have a green tint indicating corrosion. If you need to clean the terminals, use an electrical contact cleaner and a plastic bristle brush. Allow to dry and apply electrical grease where the terminals touch.
Before connecting the connectors back to the RSS-C, perform these few voltage checks. You will need access to a digital volt-ohm meter (DVOM). Make sure there is power and ground at the RSS-C. Access the wiring diagram and determine where the main power and ground connections enter the RSS-C. Connect the battery before continuing, with the RSS-C still disconnected. Connect the red lead of your voltmeter to each B+ (battery voltage) supply entering the RSS-C connector, and the black lead of your voltmeter to a good ground (if unsure, the negative post of the battery always works). You should see a battery voltage reading. Make sure you have a good ground. Connect the red lead of your voltmeter to the positive (B+) battery terminal, and the black lead to each ground circuit. Once again, you should see battery voltage at each connection. If not, troubleshoot the power or ground circuit.
Before proceeding, check the wiring diagram and check if you have one or both different communication circuits on the RCM; Perform the checks that apply to the circuits in your vehicle.
Next, check the two communication circuits. Find the CAN C+ (or HSCAN+) circuit and the CAN C- (or HSCAN – circuit). With the black lead of the voltmeter connected to a good ground, connect the red lead to CAN C+. With the key on and the engine off, you should see about 2.6 volts with a little oscillation. Then connect the red lead of the voltmeter to the CAN C- circuit. You should see about 2.4 volts with a little oscillation. Other manufacturers show CAN C- at about 5 volts and a oscillating key with the engine off. Check your manufacturer's specifications.
Next, check the other two communication circuits. Find CAN B+ (or MSCAN+ circuit) and CAN B- (or MSCAN – circuit). With the black lead of the voltmeter connected to a good ground, connect the red lead to CAN B+. With the key on and the engine off, you should see about 0.5 volts with slight fluctuations. Then connect the red lead of the voltmeter to the CAN B circuit. You should see about 4.4 volts with slight fluctuations.
If all tests pass and communication is still not possible, or you have not been able to clear the U0172 trouble code, the only thing to do is to seek help from a trained automotive diagnostician as this would indicate a faulty RSS-C. Most of these RSS-Cs need to be programmed or calibrated to be installed correctly on the vehicle.
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